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This Sunday is 14th of February, Saint Valentine. Are you ready? I mean, do you have flowers, chocolates in a heart shaped box, sexy unmentionables, a geeky robot with a heart in his hands professing your deep feelings for your beloved one? I hope so, because it's cold out in the dog house, specially these days in the DC area.

      Beep Mine sculptures by Carolina Seth

Here are few quotes that came cleverly wrapped with these little Italian chocolate bonbons I've been eating (very sporadically, I swear). I posted them in the original language because it sounds, ah! so romantic. Happy Valentine's Day!  :)

Se l'amore nomade benedetto, e tuo ospite, tienilo caro.
If love, that blesses nomad, is your guest, treat him well.
Azizaddin Nasafi

Siamo tutti angeli con una sola ala, possiamo volare solo se ci abbracciamo l'uno con l'altro.  
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.

Lei: "Tu non mi capisci". Lui: "Cosa intendi dire?"
Woman "You don't understand me" Man: "What do you mean?"

Don't you love vintage cards?



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